Manhattan Slots Casino certainly makes you feel like you’re in the Big Apple, thanks to the fresh new design of this online casino. This apartment building is packed with great features, not least of which is the 100% match bonus offered on first deposits made by all new players. You can choose from the slots bonus or table bonus, each with a 2x redeemable condition attached to them, so you’re able to pick the deal that suits you best.
There are some superb new games at Manhattan Slots too. Asgard Slots and Swindle All the Way have just been released, while other entries into this area include Bubble Bubble 2 Slots, Dragon Orb Slots, and Gemtopia Slots. You can click on the new games option to filter your selection to just the newest titles to appear in this casino.
And as if that wasn’t enough, Manhattan Slots now accepts bitcoin too. Depositing bitcoin could be way cheaper for you, and it is fast and easy, too. The anonymity offered by bitcoin makes it the perfect choice if you are looking to make a secure deposit without any hassle. All of which gives you even more reasons to join Manhattan Slots today.