eWalletXpress Casinos

Wild Vegas Casino
Accessing your cash does not get much easier than reaching into your wallet...this is why more casinos are accepting eWalletXpress as an online money transfer service. When you are moving money around at the casino this is a fast and secure method. The selling point with accepting eWalletXpress is nothing short of convenient.

How it works...

eWalletXpress works by your simply making your standard deposit as you typically would and then just choosing a casino, such as Bovada Casino, that accepts EwalletXpress transfers. At first you can only deposit $150 but that amount is temporary and will be raised to $800 after your account has been validated. One of the other nice things about using EwalletXpress is that for a small service fee of only 8.8% you can access your money instantly. This eliminates the hassle of having to wait for your funds to clear which can often take up to five days.

How to sign up...

EwalletXpress is becoming one of the most popular casino deposit methods because it is trusted and very reputable. It is also easy to follow and has some great features and benefits. All you have to do is create an account with EwalletXpress which requires nothing more than your visiting their website and clicking the "Sign Up Now" selection. Fill in the required information, create a user name and password, and verify your bank information. Viola! You will be all set! EwalletXpress accounts are free to set up and all fees are waived for deposits on your first send. Look around...there are casinos that will eat any charges after that just for your patronage. This leads us to our next step...locating an EwalletXpress Casino. What you will likely find is that often casinos that accept EwalletXpress will offer bigger deposit bonuses. Another benefit...is when you win you can get your hands on your money immediately...this is very important.

What they offer...

At Lucky Red Casino you will receive one of the best bonuses in the business. Excellent customer service, speedy payouts, fast deposits, and upper cash bonuses are what makes Lucky Red Casino a premier gaming experience. Take advantage of Lucky Red's up to 400% sign up bonus...150% weekend deposit bonus...and 55% unlimited games bonuses.

Give it a try...

At Lucky Red, even if you lose you can still win points...these points are converted into money so never underestimate them. Lucky Red Casino hosts number of tournaments that you are welcome to join! These are some of the great benefits that you could be missing out on when you don't take advantage of EwalletXpress! Give it a try at Lucky Red Casino today!